Thursday 11 June 2009

Nigerian iPhone App Banned from App Store By Brian Briggs

Lagos, Nigeria - Nigerian philanthropist Esenam Ayele has created an iPhone application to help his philanthropic efforts, but Apple has repeatedly rejected it.

The app called Simple Charitable App: to the Max (SCAM), asks a set of questions of the user like "Do you need money?" and "Can I trust that you'll do good acts with your money?" When the user completes the short questionnaire they are then prompted to enter their bank account information so money from Ayele can be deposited.

"I know with the faltering economy around the world that more and more people are in need of my help, especially people tied into expensive iPhone contracts. That's why I've created an iPhone app, but Apple won't allow it in the App Store," said Ayele. "I don't know why Apple is giving me such a hard time. They approve things like iFart, but my charitable application doesn't get approved? I think Steve Jobs is in cahoots with Bill Gates to keep Bill the top philanthropist."

Ayele feels that if only his application would be approved that he could restart the economy on his own without any need of a stimulus package from the United States Congress.

"I'm out to change the reputation of Nigerians. We're not all out to take your money. That's why I started the Society of Charitable African Millionaires to get the word out, and why I continue to flood email boxes with offers of help. If I only help .01% of the people I email, it still warms my heart," said Ayele.

Ayele has often been confused with Nigerian scammers who fool unsuspecting idiots into giving them money. Ayele has words of advice for those thinking of giving their bank account information to scammers, "Don't be stupid. If you're not using SCAM on the iPhone, or the email doesn't have the SCAM seal of approval then you're probably getting ripped off."
Ayele said that if his iPhone app doesn't get approved he may have to resort to dropping bags of cash from helicopters.


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