Thursday 25 June 2009

5 Quizzes That Never Made It To Facebook

Facebook is full of quizzes. There is a quiz for just about anything that you could ever imagine. With so many quizzes, it made me wonder if any ever get rejected. After some investigative research, I have uncovered 5 quizzes that never made it to Facebook. Because I love you so much, I have decided to share them with you.

Quiz: Which 1980's Sitcom Alien Are you?

What is it?: This quiz determines which alien from a 1980's sitcom you are based on your answers.

Example Results:

Why it failed: Besides a lack of 1980's sitcoms featuring aliens, this quiz failed due to its accusation of lesbianism towards female quiz takers. Also, nobody wants to be ALF. His nose looks like something a dog bent off in the garden and he was missing his junk.

Quiz: What Amy Winehouse STD Are You?

What is it?: This is a quiz to determine which one of Amy Winehouse's STDs you most resemble from your answers.

Example Results:

Why it failed: The only thing worse than comparing yourself to an STD is comparing yourself to an STD hosted by Winehouse.

Quiz: What R&B Woman Beater Are You?

What is it?: This quiz takes your answers and determines which famous R&B woman beater you are.

Example Results:

Why it failed: The subject matter was a little too much for Facebook and many users thought it was "too soon" for some of the results. I don't see it.

Quiz: Which Dead Celebrity Are You?

What is it?: This quiz is used to determine which dead celebrity you are.

Example Results:

Why it failed: Umm...yeah. I'm not sure any explanation is necessary.

Quiz: Which Black Guy Are You?

What is it?: This quiz compares you to black guys in all white movies.

Example Results:

Why it failed: Besides being slightly racist, no one knew any of the guys they were being compared to.


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