This book truly has it all - racial stereotypes, bad grammar, and even a cover that looks like it was a rejected Master P album cover. I can't wait until Oprah picks it as her Book of the Month Club selection.
Check out these comments on it I found on Amazon.They are not having a fucking barrrrr!!
4 of 4 people found the following review helpful:
4.0 out of 5 stars Calling all Women!!, September 22, 2007
By LOCKSIE "ARC Book Club Inc" (ARCBOOKCLUBINC.com) - See all my reviews
A woman handed me this book at the Harlem Book Fair. At first I thought it was one of those sampler books authors sometimes give out. When I got home and read the title I wondered why a woman felt the need to write on this subject! But upon further investigation I realize a male author wrote the book.
Then I thought; men never seem to have any problems cheating on their women since the beginning of time, so why do men need a guide now?
I had a number of different reactions while reading this book.
My number one peeve was the author kept stressing on how no matter what a man did wrong, once he gave the woman great sex everything would be alright!! WRONG! Listen up men; great sex is not the remedy for women ALL the time...well...it won't hurt...lol...But...
The author did state one very true fact; "Once doubt enters a woman's mind it NEVER leaves". So with that statement said; men need to know that even after the "great sex" we women will still have our doubts and we NEVER forget!
Anyway throughout this read I had my "hell naw's" and "wtf's" but I also had my "okay's" and "oh yes's".
By the end of the book I totally understood why the author had written it! In one chapter the author breaks down the different types of women by category which I thought was fun, I found myself in two of the sixteen categories...no I'm not saying which ones...lol.
Written clearly and to the point, don't skip chapters, read this one from the beginning straight to the end. On conclusion Author Kurin speaks from his heart to his mother, I hope she read this deep message and took note.
Yeah, I would recommend this one. Both men and women will get a kick out of this book and I'm sure it will be the topic of many discussions!
ARC Book Club Inc.
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3 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
4.0 out of 5 stars Okay??????????, July 25, 2007
By pj "sweetthang" (JAMAICA, NY USA) - See all my reviews
I met the author at the Harlem Book fair on 7/21/07 and the approach to buy the book was due to excellent marketing strategy. When you purchased the book you received a tee shirt/bag.
Well, the book is worth reading because the brother writes from the heart to help women of all nationalities not just the Black/Afro-American women.I laughed, pondered, hah hah moments or rather get off my toes. The truth is revealed and it was very brave of this young man to write this.
I recommend the book for learning as well as an entertainment BUT mostly honest discussions.
Keep writing and may many relationship be healed after reading this book.
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5.0 out of 5 stars An intelligent, hillarious and offensive book on how to be a player! [Leon's Rating: 4.50], October 14, 2008
By Leon Wesley Norway "writer and fitness guru" (MI) - See all my reviews
Written in 2006, this book is a hilarious, basic and sometimes offensive self-help book for black men who want to be ladies' men, players and womanizers, but don't understand the game, how it's played and the damage it could to do you, if you are married with a family or if you are juggling too many women at the same time. The author informs the reader of the different types of players that exist, the variety of women they may come across and ought to avoid, what a man risks if he were to ever cheat on his significant other and how to be discreet about his infidelities. In the end, he urges black men to stop this kind of behavior if they are married with children and the negative impact that it has on the black family structure in America. Too, he briefly discusses how hard it is for African-American women to find good black men in America, since a number of them are in prison for petty drug charges. But nowhere in this book does he discuss interracial relationships. There are no characters and stories told here, so, don't expect an African-American version of Neil Strauss' "The Game". After I read this book, I had wanted more words from the author, who goes by Kurin.
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