That Girl Egypt that sings that in the Mornin (Let your love come in) song looks like a MAN, in the Video she looks like a Man Dressed up as a Woman FACT!! "She" Looks like a Transvestite
Alright listen can you Pricks do me a Favour and stop wearin the Same F**Kin Gucci Belt

F**Kin Gucci Belt
I mean why the F**K would you all go and buy the same F**kin Belt?? Why not get somethin different why save all your "Road" (Footlocker wages) money and go buy the same belt as every other Dick Head Its like all you Punks think that when you get the belt you've made it hahaaha Get Somethin Else or at least a different colour!! The people that were rockin the Belts first (can't still be wearin them??) must be Pissed wid you Tramps turnin up 8 man deep all wearin the same GG Red and Green S**T I swear someone made a song bout that?? You Clowns Piss me the F**K Off F**K You!
If you go to the wrong West end Club you'll see this:
A bunch of Pricks will be walkin round the Club all wearin the same F**kin Belt wid Sunglasses on holdin empty Champagne Bottles Hahaaaha you Silly Dick Heads why would you do this??

Silly Dick Heads
I mean why would you be in a Club wearin Sunglasses? Even people with sunglasses on their heads in Clubs or anywhere where there's no sun get on my F**kin Nerves do you think you look "Fly"?? Well you don't you look like Pricks!! First of all you're Gonna Strain your Eyes and you'll need real glasses in the Future and second of all its hard enough to see what chicks are live in a Club without "Stunners" on also can you Fools do me a favour if you can't afford Champagne get a glass of lemonade a straw no ice and drink it slow but please don't pick up someones empty Champagne bottle go to the toilet and fill it with water, its a bad idea really not Cool swear down.

Broke and Thirsty Looking
You're Just lettin the Chicks know that you're a Dick head straight away, at least try and Hide your Dick head-ness until you get to Speak to a Chick then you Can tell her that your a "Baller". You Fuckin Faggotts Go Watford or something if you wanna do this Fake Ballin Shit Go Newcastle or some other Place Full of Tramps maybe that way it won't be so easy for people to realise you're an idiot
Suck your mums Dick
Yours Faithly
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Your site looks good. Bring on the booz!
yeah I don't know why people aren't more original.
They are all a bunch of followers who are broke, but look where the leaders and the trendsetters are at the very top of the wealth ladder
To be honest I'll just assume it's fake anyway! I don't understand the concept of designer BELTS - buy something a lil' more substantial if you're so desperate to rock a label - and I don't mean effin Gucci trainers either which show you're nothin' more than a donkey who'll wear anything so long as it has that crass Gucci emblem on it!
Haha thats G-Fresh in that silly dickheads pic.
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